Macgruber is a parody movie about the 80's TV show MacGyver. MacGyver was a show that basically was the same show over and over again in each installment. The hero of the show, MacGyver was of course a mullet sporting, flannel vest wearing redneck in pilot shades. MacGyver almost always found him self in the same impossible situation. Situations like; being tied up by bad guys, defusing a live bomb, trapped in a room, and the list goes on. The special thing about MacGyver was he would put together some sort of radio shack geek invention to save the day. 
In the end of each episode MacGyver would defuse a bomb and kiss an extremely attractive 80's women dressed in jeans that made your butt look like two watermelons sitting side by side in a supermarket, and hair with an assortment of exotic birds living in it. My point is that it would be very non-stereotypical to find a women that did not look like that in the 80's. I would like to give a shout out to all those 80's moms out there. I know you have at least one pair of these stylish jeans you wish you could still fit into. I am getting ahead of myself. I will post dieting information in upcoming blogs.
Now that I have you thinking about Big hair, tight jeans, and watermelon, I will give you my opinion on the wonderful movie Macgruber. If you have a sarcasm detector (yes they do sell them) you will have now have realized that I did not think Macgruber was a wonderful movie. The main amount of this movie is Macgruber acting like a total idiot, getting naked and shoving a stick of celery up his butt then eating it. I think this movie was going for shock value. Just make it as dirty as possible to make people cringe a little. Like when a horror movie (such as Drag Me to Hell) makes a horrible storyline and fills it with as much fake CGI blood and insects as possible just to obtain that "Holy Crap" look on peoples faces. By people I mean all the scared little 12 year old's and there 12 year old friends who think a movie like Drag Me to Hell is incredibly scary. Movies like this have a very select audience. Macgruber is one of those movies that was sort of funny but the dirty jokes got repetitive after watching the movie for the first 30 minutes. Although as much of a waste of film budget this movie was, it made me lqtm (laugh quietly to myself) a few times. During the sex scenes if you close your eyes the sounds effects (supplied by Will Forte) will make you laugh. The scene that Macgruber rigs a cup of water above the door as the deceased corpse of a guard with his throat ripped out holds up a sign that says "your all wet".
All and all I would not expect Macgruber to do good in the box office. It will probably flop like a fat kid jumping into a pool. Not really Worth the money. Wait till it comes out if you still wanna see it either download it in a free torrent file or hold your friend at gun point and make him buy the DVD for you. Not the best comedy but not the worst comedy.