So, my American social studies teacher decided our class needed to be taught a lesson of respect. She assigned a 250 word paper on the issue hoping it may resolve our sudden outburst of so called disrespect. Below, is what I turned in.
Jesse Tunstall
The disrespect to teachers is a rampaging virus that will destroy everything in it’s path. As a respecting student, teachers should be looked upon as gods from the heavens of education. As stated by my home girl Aretha Franklin, R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Find out what it means to me, should be a statement applied to the respect of any teacher no matter the color, size, and orientation the teacher may sustain of an inborn truth. When a student interrupts a teacher they should be incinerated in a furnace to the point of death then they should be pulled out of the furnace with their skin burnt to a crisp. Disrespect is not tolerable, it is an immature way of getting attention in a negative fashion.
Our top scientists are working on the vaccination for this virus. Until we find a definitive vaccine to this problem we must keep tossing children into furnaces. The vaccines we have tested have only caused disrespect to more than just teachers but to every animate and inanimate object in the universe.
The virus and its disgusting attitude of disrespect ranges in many different scenarios and situations. These are some of our lab simulated controlled experiments. First we sat a thirteen year old female in a desk within our simulated classroom. She is the only human in the room. For this experiment we invented the student-bot. The student-bot will simulate a child learning in school. The child made fun of fat-bot and spoke derogatory comment toward black-bot. This student is not fit to go unpunished.
Stay respectful or die!